Showing posts with label United kingdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United kingdom. Show all posts

Free Journal Site | Journal of the European Optics Society - Rapid Publications - JEOS : RP publishes articles inside the fields of classical and quantum optics that possess a sufficient degree of scientific or technological novelty. A substantial optics content is necessary for being considered for publication. Submissions that just use optical tools for achieving leads to other fields of physics/electronics/chemistry are better sent to specialised journals of these other fields.

Site                :
ISSN              : 19902573
Subject           : Optics and Lights
Publisher        : European Optical Society
Country          : United Kingdom
Language        : English
Keyword         : classical and quantum optics
Start year        : 2006


EJISE - Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation - The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation (EJISE) publishes research on topics relevant to Information Systems Evaluation, having an emphasis upon the organisational and management implications. EJISE has published regular issues since 2003 and averages 2 or 3 issues annually. 

The journal impacts on the event of both the theory and practice coming from all facets of IT/IS evaluation. The Editorial team considers academically robust papers and welcome empirical research, case studies, action research, theoretical discussions, literature reviews along with other work which advances learning during this field. All papers are double-blind peer reviewed.

Site                 :
ISSN             : 15666379
Subject           : Bussienes and Management - Computer Science
Publisher        : Academic Conferences Limited
Country          : United Kingdom
Language        : English
Keyword         : e-commece evaluation, e-business evaluation, intranets, knowledge management, evaluation methodology
Start year        : 1997

EJISE cover

EJISE site

Anthropoetiscs, The Journal of Generative Anthropology

Free-journal.comAnthropoetics, founded in 1995 as UCLA's first Open Access journal, is devoted to Generative Anthropology, which studies the works of human culture upon the hypothesis that language, religion, art, and all things specifically human may be traced into your unique scene of origin. The Chronicles of Appreciate & Resentment are available since 1995 and number over 440. 

Follow the GABlog : Generative Anthropology inside the Public Sphere, resolve us on Twitter, and visit us on Facebook. A bibliography of Generative Anthropology may be found in the Anthropoetics Library Thing page. 

For a broad introduction to Generative Anthropology, visit the Introduction to GA page

Link               :
ISSN              : 10837264
Subject           : Anthropology
Publisher        : University of California, Los Angeles
Country          : United Kingdom
Language        : English
Keyword         : anthropology, phyilosopy
Start year        : 1995

Design and Technology Education : An International Journal - Submissions are welcomed relating to the leading, secondary and degree sectors, initial teacher education (ITE) and continuous professional development (CPD). Contributions onto the on-going research debate are encouraged from any country. The expectation would be that the new Journal will publish articles in the leading fringe of the worldwide development from the subject area. The last edition each and every year will include published versions from the keynotes coming from the Design and Technology (D&T) Association's international research conference. 

The conventional word limit for articles is 5000 words, although approximately 8000 words will certainly be permitted in exceptional circumstances. Visual illustrations are encouraged in keeping with design and technology's ethos and practice. It does not take Journal's policy to positively encourage the submission of articles determined by action research by practitioners, that has been the bedrock from the subject's development for a few decades. The Journal would also welcome the probability to publish substantial literature reviews so that you can consolidate contributions which have already been made onto the subject, and be sure that they're accessible to current researchers and teachers.

Site                :
ISSN              : 1360-1431
EISSN            : 2040-8633
Subject           : Education - Technology
Publisher        : The Design and Technology Association
Country          : United kingdom
Language        : English
Keyword         : design, technology, education
Start year        : 2005

Design and Technology Education : An International Journal cover

Design and Technology Education : An International Journal

Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies - The Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies (JCEPS) is really a double-blind peer-reviewed international scholarly journal published by The Institute for Education Policy Studies (IEPS). The free, online version is published in association using the Kapodistrian and National University of Athens (Greece). The print version (available on subscription or purchase – simply click the Subscriptions and Purchasing link is published by IEPS). JCEPS may have three issues per annum, as from 2013. (Just before that, since March 2003, there have been two issues per annum). The journal website is www. jceps. com Enquiries must be addressed with the contact form and/or to dave. hill@ieps. org. uk.

Site                :
ISSN              : 17402743
Subject           : Education
Publisher        : Institute for Education Policy Studies
Country          : United Kingdom
Language        : English
Keyword         : education
Start year        : 2003

Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies