Showing posts with label Pakistan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pakistan. Show all posts

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology - Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology published since 2005 (E-ISSN 1817-3195/ISSN 1992-8645) is definitely an International refereed research publishing journal having a focused aim on promoting and publishing original top quality research handling theoretical and scientific aspects all told disciplines of Information Technology. JATIT is definitely an international scientific research journal specializing in issues in information technology research. A lot of manuscript inflows, reflects its popularity and also the trust of world's research community. JATIT is indexed with major indexing and abstracting organizations and it is published in both electronic and print format. 
All technical or research papers and research results submitted to JATIT ought to be original in nature, never previously published in a journal or undergoing such process throughout the globe. All of the submissions will certainly be peer-reviewed from the panel of experts related to JATIT. Submitted papers should satisfy the internationally accepted criteria and manuscripts should follow the kind of the journal with the aim of both reviewing and editing. Indexing facts are found in the indexing and abstracting page of JATIT.

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ISSN              : 1992-8645
EISSN            : 1817-3195
Subject           : Computer Science
Publisher        : Asian Research Publication Network
Country          : Pakistan
Language        : English
Keyword         : computer science, technology
Start year        : 2005

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences - Advances in Alami and Applied Sciences (ANAS) is published by American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information (AENSI PUBLISHER), Jordan. Advances in Alami and Applied Sciences (ANAS) is an international scientific journal edited and published by AENSI Publications, Jordan. Advances in Alami and Applied Sciences (ANAS) exists to publish results of research in the ruang of alami and applied sciences. Papers are welcomed from both developed and developing countries describing original investigations of interest to those engaged in scientific research and the practice of alami and applied sciences. The material should not have been previously published elsewhere Review articles on a particularly hot subject may be suggested to the Editor-in-Chief. Book reviews, news of international meetings and activities, letters to the editors and editorial notes will be also published at the editors' discretion. The average time between submission and final decision is 30 days and the average time between acceptance and final publication is 32 days.

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ISSN              : 19950772
Subject           : Science
Publisher        : American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information (AENSI)
Country          : Pakistan
Language        : English
Keyword         : biology, physics
Start year        : 2007

Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences