Showing posts with label Anthropology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anthropology. Show all posts

The Anthropologist - The Anthropologist is a peer reviewed journal that publishes original articles, both theoretical and applied, book reviews and debates on current issues in the interdisciplinary field of Human Science and provides a komunitas to social and life scientists for exchanging their scientific knowledge, besides putting it on record for those interested.

Site            :
ISSN             : 0972 - 0073
Subject         :  Anthropology
Publisher       : Kamla-Raj Enterprises
Country         : India
Language       : English
Keyword       : anthropology
Start year       : 1999

The Anthropologist cover

The Anthropologist

The journal Studies of Tribes and Tribals (Stud Tribes Tribals) - The journal Studies of Tribes and Tribals (Stud Tribes Tribals) aims to function a forum of socio-cultural and life scientists and health professionals, especially those that share common interests in understanding citizenry especially aboriginals, backwards and minorities.

Site             :
ISSN             : 0972 - 639x
Subject         :  Anthropology, Social Sciences
Publisher       : Kamla-Raj Enterprises
Country         : India
Language       : English
Keyword       : socio-cultural and life scientists
Start year       : 2003

The journal Studies of Tribes and Tribals (Stud Tribes Tribals) 

The journal Studies of Tribes and Tribals (Stud Tribes Tribals) 

The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology (J Sociology Soc Anth) - The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology (J Sociology Soc Anth) covers although not limited to, Anthropology, Sociology, Environmental Studies, Home Science, Public Health, Demography, Cultural Studies, Ethnography and Sociolinguistics, together with their interfaces. Raising issues across disciplinary boundaries and facilitating exchange of views, this journal intends to function a forum of social scientists, especially those that share common interests within the knowledge of various problems connected with contemporary society.

Site            :
ISSN             : 0976 - 6634
Subject         :  Social Sciences, Anthropology, sociology, public health
Publisher       : Kamla-Raj Enterprises
Country         : India
Language       : English
Keyword     : Anthropology, Sociology, Geography, Economics, History, Environmental Studies, Business Administration, Home Science, Public Health, Political Science, Demography, Cultural Studies, Ethnography and Sociolinguistics,
Start year       : 1997

The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology (J Sociology Soc Anth) cover

The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology (J Sociology Soc Anth)

The Journal of Life Sciences (J Life Sci) - The Journal of Life Sciences (J Life Sci) is created for prompt publication of original and significant articles on several facets of Life Sciences (Biology, Genetics, Biological Anthropology, Botany, Genetics, Mediacal Sciences, Vaterinary Sciences, Biochemical Genetics, Biometry, Clinical Genetics, Cytogenetics, Genetic Epidemiology, Genetic Testing, Evolution and Population Genetics, Immunogenetics, Molecular Genetics). The journal also covers ethical issues. It aims to function a forum of life scientists and health professionals.

Site              :
ISSN              : 0000-0000
Subject           : Biology, Genetics, Biological Anthropology, Botany, Genetics, Mediacal Sciences, Vaterinary Sciences,  Biochemical Genetics, Biometry, Clinical Genetics, Cytogenetics, Genetic Epidemiology, Genetic Testing, Evolution and Population Genetics, Immunogenetics, Molecular Genetics
Publisher        : Kamla-Raj Enterprises
Country          : India
Language        : English
Keyword         : Biology, Genetics, Biological Anthropology, Botany, Genetics, Mediacal Sciences, Vaterinary Sciences,  Biochemical Genetics, Biometry, Clinical Genetics, Cytogenetics, Genetic Epidemiology, Genetic Testing, Evolution and Population Genetics, Immunogenetics, Molecular Genetics
Start year        : 2009

WEB-FU - Elektronische Beiträge des Instituts für Finno-Ugristik

Free-journal.comWEB-FU is the e-journal of the Department of Finno-Ugric Studies of the Institute of European and Comparative Literature and Language Studies at the University of Vienna. It publishes contributions to the Finno-Hungarian Studies, Cultural Studies, to foreign language teaching to minority problems. New and interesting books will be presented in short discussions. In addition, it also serves as a forum for publication of student research papers on the topics mentioned area. An editorial team reviewed submitted texts and releases them for publication.

There is no fixed Frequency: Adopted by the editorial articles are immediately posted online!

5 Year Diamond Jubilee of e-journals and the design of the WEB-FU has been completely redesigned. We hope to meet with general approval.

Also exists the possibility to be informed about new posts: Who subscribes to the new WEBFU mailing list, get an automatic notification when a new article is published. Subscribe or unsubscribe may be the easiest on the list home page.

Link               :
ISSN              : 1609882X
Subject           : Language and literatures - Anthropology
Publisher        : Universitat Wien
Country          : Austria
Language        : German, English, Hungarian, Finnish, Estonian
Keyword         : finno-ugrian linguistics, literary critics, cultural studies
Start year        : 2001

WEB-FU - Elektronische Beiträge des Instituts für Finno-Ugristik

Universitas Humanística

Free-journal.comUniversitas Humanística is really a scientific journal. It privileges the publication of studies that make use of critical theories and situated perspectives. Additionally has a selected interest on publishing researches which discuss (socio-theoretical) problems connected with or concerning the Global South. 

The journal is published through the departments of Anthropology and Sociology in the School of Social Sciences inside the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. 

Link               :
ISSN              : 101204807
Subject           : Sociology - Anthropology
Publisher        : Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Country          : Colombia
Language        : Spanish
Keyword         : anthropology, sociology
Start year        : 2003

Universitas Humanística cover

Universitas Humanística site

California Digital Library

Free-journal.comThe CDL was founded via the University of California in 1997 to bring benefit of emerging technologies that were transforming the way in which that digital details are published and accessed. Ever since that day, in collaboration using the UC libraries and also other partners, we met perhaps one of the libraries on the world's largest digital research and changed the way in which during which teachers, students and researchers discover and use of information. 

In collaboration using the UC libraries, the CDL has continually broken new ground by systems that unite our great users to print and on the internet collections inside University of California and beyond developing. Driven by foundations on the Catalog Melvyl, We've developed perhaps one of the largest catalogs online library in the continent. We saved millions of dollars University, facilitating co-investment and exchange of materials and services as used by libraries throughout the entire UC system. We work using the campus to create the treasures in our libraries, museums and cultural heritage institutions worldwide. So we continue to understand more about how services for instance digital healing, scholarly publishing, archiving and conservation research support throughout the entire lifecycle details. 

Serving the UC libraries is really a vital component in our mission. Our unique position inside University enables us to supply the infrastructure and support needed by libraries commonly campus, freeing them to be able to concentrate their resources on the requirements of its users. 
Looking ahead, the CDL will will continue to use innovative technology to link content and communities in methods that improve teaching, learning and research.

Site                :
ISSN              : 1554-3374
Subject           : Sociology - Anthropology - Philosophy - Social Science -
Publisher        : University of California
Country          : United States
Language        : English
Keyword         : human evolution, social structure, social behavior, culture, cognition
Start year        : 2005

Maison De La Recherche En Sciences Humaines

Free-journal.comMRSH, under supervision of the CNRS and the University of Caen Lower Normandy, is to contribute to the development of human and social sciences, both at national and international level and in the Basse-Normandie region. Recognition of MRSH requires not only its regional scientific collaborations, national and international including through the network of Houses of Human Sciences, but also by its ability to accommodate a wide audience: the model of the Rome Plan and exhibitions that will materialize.

The House draft of the Human Sciences Research of Caen appears during the development during the summer of 1990 the scheme for 2000 University of Lower Normandy, then a few months later in the White Paper for Research in Lower Normandy. Adopted at the end of 1991, the Diagram 2000 University plans to build by 1995 a House of Humanities, for an initial budget of 25 million francs. Project management is entrusted to the Regional Council, who acts on behalf of all the local authorities concerned Lower Normandy.

The first studies, those for the Building Technology Program began in the fall of 1991. Begun in April 1994, the work is completed a year later. The research teams and the University's services are installed starting in May 1995.

MRSH Caen participating in MSH Network. Since 2012, the network includes 22 houses Humanities spread throughout France. It is mainly made in the years 1990 and 2000. These MSH ensure the consolidation, the same place, human and material research, and for some of them, research units comprising researchers from University and CNRS.

Site                :
ISSN              : 1372-6153
Subject           : Sociology - Anthropology - Philosophy
Publisher        : University of Caen
Country          : France
Language        : French, English
Keyword         : cultural studies, literature, history of ideas, visual art, music, media studies
Start year        : 1999

Maison De La Recherche En Sciences Humaines

Revista Mad

Free-journal.comThe Mad Magazine - University of Chile ( is a biannual electronic publication of the Master in Systemic Analysis Applied to the Company, belonging to the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Chile. Mad Magazine - Universidad de Chile publishes original scientific papers in Spanish and Portuguese in the field of social sciences, research advances, essays, reviews and translations; in which theoretical perspectives and empirical approaches to the theory of social systems and social constructivism apply. However, also considered other theoretical perspectives that contribute to the social sciences in Latin America.

Site                :
ISSN              : 0718-0527
Subject           : Anthropology
Publisher        : University of Chile
Country          : Chile
Language        : Spanish
Keyword         : social anthropology, latin america
Start year        : 1999

Revista Mad

Asian Ethnology

Free-journal.comAsian Ethnology is really a semi-annual, peer-reviewed journal dedicated towards the promotion of scholarly research upon the peoples and cultures of Asia. It began in China as Folklore Studies in 1942 and later moved to Japan where its name was changed to Asian Folklore Studies. It's currently edited and published at Nanzan University in Nagoya, Japan.

Asian Ethnology seeks to deepen understanding and further the pursuit of information concerning the peoples and cultures of Asia. We ought to facilitate intellectual exchange between Asia and the remainder of the world, and particularly welcome submissions from scholars based in Asia. The journal presents formal essays and analyses, research reports, and critical book reviews relating to an array of topical categories,

Site                :
ISSN              : 1882–6865
Subject           : Anthropology
Publisher        : Nanzan University
Country          : Japan
Language        : English
Keyword         : Asia, Folklore, ethnology, culture
Start year        : 2008

Asian Ethnology


Free-journal.comAntropo is definitely an electronic journal dedicated towards the diffusion of investigations realized upon the biological diversity of humankind and it also tries becoming a point of meeting between those investigators of Latin languages and also to publish, consequently, articles during these languages. The magazine will certainly be published two times for year, in June and in December. There aren't any fees for reading manuscripts. There aren't any fees for publication.

Site                :
ISSN              : 15782603
Subject           : Ecology - Anthropology
Publisher        : Univerdad del pais vasco (Balbao)
Country          : Spain
Language        : French, Spanish, Italian
Keyword         : human biology, genetical anthropology, paleonthopology
Start year        : 2011


Antipoda : Revista de Antropologia y Arqueologia

Free-journal.comAntipode is indexed, quarterly magazine of the Department of Anthropology at the University of the Andes (Colombia, South America) dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of anthropological knowledge, and critical analysis of socio-cultural, methodological and theoretical relevant to understanding the problems topics human.

Antipode forms an open, critical and pluralistic forum where articles and papers that allow further discussions in the various subfields of anthropological knowledge and other related disciplines in the social and human sciences are published. The criteria for publishing work is its intellectual quality and relevance, and its contribution to the debates on national and international academic community. Those responsible publishers Antípoda guarantee a serious and professional evaluation of all materials submitted to it by peers recognized intellectual, academic and ethical soundness. Besides having a Latin American approach, Antípoda has a special interest in disseminating the experiences and results of anthropological studies and social research world anthropologies.

From Antípoda name as a metaphor of otherness, the magazine presents different views. The sections are organized from the following spatial allegories:

Meridians: This section indicates the orientation of the number. This original articles, research findings related to a central theme of the contemporary discussion are published.

Parallel: Articles place in this section related to the central theme of the issue, not necessarily in a direct way but through both theoretical and empirical contributions.

View: wide and open section that collects writings with current issues and not necessarily related in a direct way with the central theme of the issue.

Reviews: Bibliographical presents new publications or other work of interest to the magazine and its readers

Site                :
ISSN              : 1900-5407
Subject           : Anthropology
Publisher        : Universidad de los Andes (Bogota)
Country          : Colombia
Language        : Spanish
Keyword         : anthropology, archaeology
Start year        : 2005

Antipoda : Revista de Antropologia y Arqueologia

Anthropological Notebooks

Free-journal.comAnthropological Notebooks is that the official journal of Slovenian Anthropological Society. It was published under current title since 1995, while before it were published beneath the Slovenian name Antropološki zvezki. The journal is published in English, It's an international editorial board, It's peer reviewed, and it happens to be abstracted and indexed in international bibliographic databases. Until 2006 the journal were published annually, but inside the years 2006 and 2007 was published biannually. From 2008 onwards we happen to be publishing three issues each year. 

The journal publishes manuscripts coming from the anthropological and related fields. The manuscripts Shouldn't include already published materials and shouldn't be simultaneously submitted to a different journal. Each author is liable for acquiring permissions for previously published materials. The manuscripts ought to submitted by e-mail as attachment towards the editor, or posted in printed version upon the address of Slovene Anthropological Society, Gortanova 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. The manuscript should include author's name, affiliation, phone number and e-mail address. 

In 2005, 2006 and 2007 Anthropological Notebooks is financially supported from the Slovenian Research Agency and coming from the 2008 onwards from the Slovenian Book Agency.

Link               :
ISSN              : 1408032X
Subject           : Anthropology
Publisher        : Slovene Anthropological Society
Country          : Slovenia
Language        : English
Keyword         : socio-cultural anthropology, archaeology, physical antrhopologu, ethnic studies, cultural studies
Start year        : 2006

Anthropoetiscs, The Journal of Generative Anthropology

Free-journal.comAnthropoetics, founded in 1995 as UCLA's first Open Access journal, is devoted to Generative Anthropology, which studies the works of human culture upon the hypothesis that language, religion, art, and all things specifically human may be traced into your unique scene of origin. The Chronicles of Appreciate & Resentment are available since 1995 and number over 440. 

Follow the GABlog : Generative Anthropology inside the Public Sphere, resolve us on Twitter, and visit us on Facebook. A bibliography of Generative Anthropology may be found in the Anthropoetics Library Thing page. 

For a broad introduction to Generative Anthropology, visit the Introduction to GA page

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ISSN              : 10837264
Subject           : Anthropology
Publisher        : University of California, Los Angeles
Country          : United Kingdom
Language        : English
Keyword         : anthropology, phyilosopy
Start year        : 1995


Free-journal.comRedalyc mission shall be a leading platform for scientific information services internationally open access, aimed at meeting the requirements of specialized information of students, researchers and decision makers inside the scientific and technological development ; with the recovery and consultation of specialized content and generation of indicators to quantitatively and qualitatively understand how you're doing science in Latin America.

His vision to consolidate the leadership of Scientific Information System redalyc. org, by ensuring a high-quality scientific expertise, under constant monitoring. And develop technological codes to strengthen the open use of scientific knowledge. Similarly, we make an effort to generate metrics scientific alternatives to aid decision-making in science communication for both authors to publishers, research centers, universities, councils of science and technology, among others.

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ISSN             : 03271676
EISSN           : 16688090
Subject          : Anthropology
Publisher       : Universidad Nacional de Salta
Country         : Argentina
Language       : Spanish
Keyword       : history, anthropology, social science
Start year      : 2000


Amnis, University of Wastern Brittany - You get access to www. univ-brest. fr site. De facto, you agree to adjust to French laws concerning personal data, intellectual property, copyright, media and communication, along with international treaties and agreements linked to these areas. Per French law (Article 27 of Law No. 78. 17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data, files and freedoms), there is a right to oppose (art. 26), access (art. 34-38), rectification (art. 36) and delete data concerning you. You could exercise this right by writing towards the Communication department at UBO - 3 rue des Archives - CS93837 - 292238 Brest Cedex 3 - France 

You're now visiting the web-site, www. univ-brest. fr. Delivering the service, you implicitly Agree to comply-with French law covering the usage of individual names and private details, or relating to intellectual property, copyright, the media in Any form, is actually all aussi International Treaties and Conventions covering all related thesis Areas and Areas. 

Thank you to all who contributed towards the realization of the site : students, staff and external partners. This page was created following the recommendations on the Development Branch on the media service on the Prime Minister on the French Republic.

Link               :
ISSN             : 17647193
Subject          : Anthropology
Publisher       : University of Wastern Brittany
Country         : France
Language       : English, French, Spanish
Keyword        : history, contemporary civilization
Start year        : 2001


Free-journal.comThe web journal Altérités was founded to supply a space for reflection and exchange of information. Published twice a year, Altérités aims to generate debate associated with the interests and current issues of research in anthropology. Otherness published in French and English articles, research notes and reports submitted by graduate students and graduates doing work in various fields of anthropology.

Link               :
ISSN             : 12058009
Subject          : Anthropology
Publisher       : Alterites
Country         : Canada
Language       : English, French
Keyword       : anthropology, critical anthropology, interdisiplinary
Start year       : 2002


AIBR, Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana

Free-journal.comThe Association AIBR (Antropólogos Iberoamericanos en Red) started in 1996 with all the creation of El Rincón del Antropólogo (The Anthropologist Corner), a website that became among the first online social networks of anthropologists within the Spanish-speaking world.

Our Association happens to be formed by 523 individual members, and 9 institutional members. At this moment the AIBR Social Network connects over 7. 500 anthropologists. This growth has helped us to consolidate an independent and financially self sustainable organization.

In November 2002 the Association was registered in Spain as being a nonprofit organization. Since 2002, AIBR has also been publishing the scientific journal AIBR. Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana (Journal of Iberoamerican Anthropology). The journal releases a fresh issue every four months, both in electronic and paper format.

Link               :
ISSN             : 16959752
EISSN           : 15789705
Subject          : Anthropology
Publisher       : Antropologos Iberoamericanos en Red (AIBR)
Country         : Spain
Language      : Spanish, Portuguese
Keyword       : anthropology, ehnography, ethnology, interdiciplinary social sciences
Start year      : 2000

AIBR, Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana

Advances in Acoustics and Vibration

Free-journal.comAdvances in Acoustics and Vibration is really a peer-reviewed, open access journal that acts being a platform for dissemination of innovative and original research and development operate in the area of acoustics and vibration. The audience from the journal comprises both researchers and practitioners. Articles with innovative works of theoretical and/or experimental nature with research and/or application focus could be considered for publication within the journal. All manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer review process. The journal employs a paperless, electronic review process to enable an easy and speedy turnaround within the review process.

Advances in Acoustics and Vibration currently has an acceptance rate of 31%. The typical time between submission and final decision is 56 days and the typical time between acceptance and final publication is 37 days.

Link               :
ISSN              : 16876261
EISSN            : 1687627X
Subject           : Acoustics
Publisher        : Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Country         : United States
Language       : English
Keyword        : sound, vibration
Start year       : 2008