Showing posts with label Communication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Communication. Show all posts

The Journal of Communication (J Communication)

The Journal of Communication (J Communication) is produced for prompt publication of original and significant articles on many elements of Communication and media studies. The journal also covers ethical issues and counselling. It aims to function a forum to anyone who is engaged in marketing communications, communication management, mass and new media, development communication, culture studies, organisational communication. Raising issues across disciplinary boundaries and facilitating exchange of views, this journal intends to function a forum of social scientists, especially people that share common interests inside the perception of various problems linked to contemporary society.

Site              :
ISSN              : 0976-690X
Subject           : Communication
Publisher        : Kamla-Raj Enterprises
Country          : India
Language        : English
Keyword         : communication
Start year        : 2010

UOC Papers : Revista Sobre la Societat del Coneixement - UOC Papers is an electronic publication of the Open University of Catalonia, an interdisciplinary orientation, which is to publish original university papers that focus on the confluence of the thematic areas of the university with the knowledge society. In addition, the journal aims to be a platform for the dissemination of new publications relating to this same area.

Site                :
ISSN             : 1885-1341
Subject           : Computer Science - Media and communication
Publisher        : Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Country          : Spain
Language        : English, Catalan, Spanish
Keyword         : university, knowledge, society, information, internet, free softwere
Start year        : 2005

UOC Papers : Revista Sobre la Societat del Coneixement