Showing posts with label Diplomatics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diplomatics. Show all posts

Free Journal Site | Scrineum Rivista - Scrineum Magazine hosts original contributions on topics of history of the documentation, the book, the writing in the Middle Ages.

The preparation (which is inside the various and diverse interests of study and research) believes that every story of documents and books deserve to be told in its complexity (with the necessary critical rigor and appropriate analysis tools), leaving room to different points of view and leaving aside readings 'school'.

All contributions are evaluated (peer-reviewed) from readers selected under the Referee independent board or identified on the basis of skills that are required.

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ISSN              : 1128-5656
Subject           : Diplomatics, Archives, Seals
Publisher        : Firenze University Press
Country          : Italy
Language        : Italian
Keyword         : regulation, manuscripts, medieval documents
Start year        : 2003

Scrineum Rivista