Showing posts with label Italian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Italian. Show all posts

Free Journal Site | Scrineum Rivista - Scrineum Magazine hosts original contributions on topics of history of the documentation, the book, the writing in the Middle Ages.

The preparation (which is inside the various and diverse interests of study and research) believes that every story of documents and books deserve to be told in its complexity (with the necessary critical rigor and appropriate analysis tools), leaving room to different points of view and leaving aside readings 'school'.

All contributions are evaluated (peer-reviewed) from readers selected under the Referee independent board or identified on the basis of skills that are required.

Site                :
ISSN              : 1128-5656
Subject           : Diplomatics, Archives, Seals
Publisher        : Firenze University Press
Country          : Italy
Language        : Italian
Keyword         : regulation, manuscripts, medieval documents
Start year        : 2003

Scrineum Rivista


Free-journal.comAntropo is definitely an electronic journal dedicated towards the diffusion of investigations realized upon the biological diversity of humankind and it also tries becoming a point of meeting between those investigators of Latin languages and also to publish, consequently, articles during these languages. The magazine will certainly be published two times for year, in June and in December. There aren't any fees for reading manuscripts. There aren't any fees for publication.

Site                :
ISSN              : 15782603
Subject           : Ecology - Anthropology
Publisher        : Univerdad del pais vasco (Balbao)
Country          : Spain
Language        : French, Spanish, Italian
Keyword         : human biology, genetical anthropology, paleonthopology
Start year        : 2011


Imparare - Journal about learning, education, rehabilitation.

Site                :
ISSN              : 1826-1922
Subject           : Education
Publisher        : LED, Milano
Country          : Italy
Language        : Italian
Keyword         : learning, education, rehabilitation
Start year        : 2004


Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS Journal) - The Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies aims to become an inclusive central repository for premium quality research reports, reviews, theoretical and empirical articles. The Journal serves as being an interdisciplinary forum for theoretical and empirical studies of pedagogical, psychological, historical and sociological issues. 
Along with research reports, the Journal publishes theoretical and review articles. Research reports are quantitative or qualitative depending upon the methods employed through the researcher. All articles are addressed to some research audience, to teachers and trainers getting work done in schools and in vocational training, and scholars in allied disciplines altogether the human sciences.

Site                :
ISSN              : 2037-7932
EISSN            : 2037-7924
Subject           : Education - Psychology
Publisher        : LED, Milano
Country          : Italy
Language        : Italian
Keyword         : education, psychology
Start year        : 2010

Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS Journal)

MarcoELE. Revista de Didactica - This paper's main objective is to analyze the different syntactic behavior and pragmatic subject personal pronoun in English and Spanish. We observed the difficulty of English-speaking learners of Spanish as a second language at the time of purchase foreign to them as is the null subject parameter. The presence versi absence, the subject pronoun in speaking in Spanish can, in many cases, obey reasons of emphasis by the speaker. Understanding the syntactic-discursive phenomenon is a key to work on acquiring the parameter requirement. The handling of this issue is essential to design appropriate learning resources and thus alleviate problems identified in the interlanguage of the student. These resources are adequate at all levels of reference, as recommended by the Common European Frame-work of Reference and the Instituto Cervantes Curriculum.

Site                :
ISSN              : 18852211
Subject           : Education - Languages and Literatures
Publisher        : MarcoELE
Country          : Spain
Language        : Spanish, Catalanb, English, French, Italian, Poutuguese
Keyword         : education, Spanish Languages
Start year        : 2005

MarcoELE. Revista de Didactica

UPGRADE : The European Journal for the Informatics Professional - UPGRADE was obviously a bi-monthly European e-journal to the informatics professional and academic. It was eventually free of charge and provided a very important method of obtaining information for experts from across Europe and beyond. 

A variety authors from worldwide submited papers for review and publication in UPGRADE. These authors were world-class experts with their fields, as well as the papers they produced provided invaluable tools of reference and information for readers curious about informatics and technological developments. 

UPGRADE was founded in October 2000 by CEPIS, and was published through the CEPIS Member Society, Asociación de Técnicos de Informática (ATI) in Spain. UPGRADE was listed in most scientific and professional journal indexes worldwide.

Site                :
ISSN              : 1684-5285
Subject           : Computer Science, Information Theory
Publisher        : CEPIS (The Council of European Professional Informatics Societies)
Country          : Spain
Language        : English, Spanish, Italian, German, French
Keyword         : technical developments, information technology, informatics
Start year        : 2000

UPGRADE : The European Journal for the Informatics Professional site