Showing posts with label Taiwan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taiwan. Show all posts

Free Journal Site | Chinese Journal of Physics - Chinese Journal of Physics publishes reviews, regular articles, and refereed conference papers in these following regions of physics : 
 (0) General Physics 
 (1) Gravitation and Astrophysics 
 (2) Elementary Particles and Fields 
 (3) Nuclear and Hadronic Physics 
 (4) Atomic, Molecular, and Chemical Physics 
 (5) Optical Physics 
 (6) Fluid and Plasma Physics 
 (7) Statistical and Nonlinear Physics 
 (8) Condensed Make a difference Physics 
 (9) Cross Disciplinary Physics : Biological Physics, Quantum Information, etc. 
Manuscripts for publication can be submitted right to the Editorial Office by ordinary mail, or by e-mail when the manuscripts are written in Latex files. Please consult " Information for Authors " (by the end just about every one of them issue in the Journal) upon the general guidelines for preparation in the manuscript. Subscription (at an annual price of US$ 200 for airmail, or US$ 150 for surface mail) or other inquiry concerning the Journal can be directed towards the Editorial Office by writing, or by e-mail, or by faxing.

Site                :
ISSN              : 05779073
Subject           : Physics
Publisher        : The Physical Society of the Republic China
Country          : Taiwan
Language        : Englisch, Chinese
Keyword         : gravitation,astrophysics, elementary pasticles and fields, nuclear physics, atomic physics, molecular physics, chemical physics, optical physics, fluid and plasma physics, statistical physics, nonlinear physics, condensor matter physics
Start year        : 1963

Chinese Journal of Physics

Chinese Journal of Physics

Free Journal Site | Journal of Education Media & Library Sciences - The JoEMLS is usually an Open Access (OA) Dual, double-blind reviewed and international scholarly journal dedicated to creating accessible the outcomes of research across an array of Information & Library-related disciplines. The JoEMLS invites manuscripts for an expert information & library audience that report empirical, historical, and philosophical research with implications for librarianship or that explore theoretical and practical elements of the sphere. Peer-reviewed articles are devoted to studies regarding the sphere of library science, information science and IT, the instructions trade and publishing. Subjects on instructional technology and information communication, pertaining to librarianship will also be appreciated. The JoEMLS encourages interdisciplinary authorship because, although library science is really a distinct discipline, It's inside the mainstream of data science leading to the longer term of InfoLibrary.

The JoEMLS, being a role of “OA green publisher/journal”, provides free access onlined to all articles and utilizes a style of licensing, much like Creative Commons Attribution license, that puts minimal restrictions on the usage of JoEMLS ’s articles. The minimal restrictions here inside the JoEMLS are : 
 (1) authors can archive both preprint and postprint version, the latter should be over a non-commercial base ; 
 (2) publisher's PDF version is that the most recommend if self-archiving for postprint is applicable ; and 
 (3) published source should be acknowledged with citation.

Site                :
ISSN             : 1013 090x
Subject           : Computer Science - Library and Information Science
Publisher        : Tamkang University Press
Country          : Taiwan
Language        : English, Chinese
Keyword        : library science, information science, information technology, publishing, book trade
Start year        : 2003

Journal of Education Media & Library Sciences cover

Journal of Education Media & Library Sciences