Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts

Free Journal Site | Scrineum Rivista - Scrineum Magazine hosts original contributions on topics of history of the documentation, the book, the writing in the Middle Ages.

The preparation (which is inside the various and diverse interests of study and research) believes that every story of documents and books deserve to be told in its complexity (with the necessary critical rigor and appropriate analysis tools), leaving room to different points of view and leaving aside readings 'school'.

All contributions are evaluated (peer-reviewed) from readers selected under the Referee independent board or identified on the basis of skills that are required.

Site                :
ISSN              : 1128-5656
Subject           : Diplomatics, Archives, Seals
Publisher        : Firenze University Press
Country          : Italy
Language        : Italian
Keyword         : regulation, manuscripts, medieval documents
Start year        : 2003

Scrineum Rivista

International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research - IJSDIR is really a peer-reviewed journal which is published exclusively on line through the Joint Research Centre in the European Commission, and it is supported by a seasoned Editorial Team. We welcome a number submission types, including full-scientific articles, noted from the sector and letters towards the editor. 

The aim in the Journal usually is to further the scientific endeavour underpinning the event, implementation and utilize of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs). These are generally defined as frameworks of technologies, data, policies, institutional arrangements, and other people aimed at increasing the availability, understanding, and utilize of spatial data and services to compliment policy, business, research, and society at large. 

The Journal is published openly and free of charge. It adheres towards the Open Archives Initiative, which aims to facilitate the dissemination of electronic content. Authors publishing on IJSDIR retain full but non-exclusive rights with their articles, and can be needed to use perhaps one of the Creative Commons licenses for submitting their work (http :// creativecommons. org). Our ethical principles require authors to not submit their works with other publishers for review while the art proceeds with the IJSDIR review process. During this process however, the art will certainly be already posted as area of the current IJSDIR issue SS2 - beneath the " Articles under Review " section - to facilitate the timely exchange of ideas and progress of science. When the art is accepted for publication, it is going to be moved towards the “Published” section of the very same website. This process makes sure that articles are published as soon as possible and don't suffer the typical delays of journals in print.

Site                 :
ISSN             : 17250463
Subject           : Computer Science
Publisher        : European Commission Joint Research Centre
Country          : Italy
Language        : English
Keyword         : geographic information, interoperability, spatial data infrastructure
Start year        : 2006


PoS - Proceedings of Science - PoS comes with a versatile tool tailored within your conference publishing requirements. Publishing your proceedings on PoS is inexpensive and access from the readership is open without registration or charge. Moreover, the on-line publication procedure is fast because of the software system that runs comprehensive editorial procedure. Conference organisers are thus provided with a really convenient, web-based tool for running the publication from the proceedings (or lecture notes). Authors are provided with personal pages with each of the tools for producing and uploading their contributions. 
The aim of PoS usually is to provide a versatile, fast, inexpensive and open tool devised and run from the scientific community to the scientific community. The service will hence be open to all readers free of charge and also the fees for publication will just be kept low with a not-for-profit basis.

Site                :
ISSN              : 18248039
Subject           : Science
Publisher        : SISSA
Country          : Italy
Language        : English
Keyword         : astronomy, biophysics, mathematics, neuroscience, physics, science communication
Start year        : 2005

PoS - Proceedings of Science

Imparare - Journal about learning, education, rehabilitation.

Site                :
ISSN              : 1826-1922
Subject           : Education
Publisher        : LED, Milano
Country          : Italy
Language        : Italian
Keyword         : learning, education, rehabilitation
Start year        : 2004


Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS Journal) - The Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies aims to become an inclusive central repository for premium quality research reports, reviews, theoretical and empirical articles. The Journal serves as being an interdisciplinary forum for theoretical and empirical studies of pedagogical, psychological, historical and sociological issues. 
Along with research reports, the Journal publishes theoretical and review articles. Research reports are quantitative or qualitative depending upon the methods employed through the researcher. All articles are addressed to some research audience, to teachers and trainers getting work done in schools and in vocational training, and scholars in allied disciplines altogether the human sciences.

Site                :
ISSN              : 2037-7932
EISSN            : 2037-7924
Subject           : Education - Psychology
Publisher        : LED, Milano
Country          : Italy
Language        : Italian
Keyword         : education, psychology
Start year        : 2010

Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS Journal)