Showing posts with label Engineering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Engineering. Show all posts

Free Journal Site | Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering

Free Journal Site | Journal of Advanced Chemical Engineering - The scope and discipline of Chemical engineering is extremely broad which includes life sciences, chemistry, new materials and microelectronics, reaction engineering, advanced materials, biochemistry and energy & environment etc. Because of rapid advances in scientific research and industrialization, there is much more need of advanced and durable study in chemical engineering field. The Journal of advanced chemical engineering provides the platform to share these new ideas. The journal serves to distribute the newest information and new idea altogether related fields for effective and rapid communication among the group which includes engineers, researchers and student. 

Chemical Engineering Journal is at higher echelons that enhance the intelligence and information dissemination on topics closely associated with Chemical Engineering. The journal supplies a unique forum dedicated to scientists expressing their research articles, review articles, case reports and short communications with an array of Chemical Engineering research. The Chemical Engineering Peer Reviewed Journal is proficiently supported by universally prominent Editorial Board members. Chemical Engineering journal impact factors are mainly calculated driven by quantity of articles that undergo a double blind peer review process by competent Editorial Board so that they can ensure excellence, essence of the hard work and quantity of citations received for a similar published articles. Abstracts and full texts of articles published from the Advanced Chemical Engineering Open Access Journal are freely accessible to everyone immediately after publication.

Site                  :
E-ISSN            : 2090-4568
P-ISSN             : 2090-455X
Subject             : Chemical Engineering
Publisher          : OMICS Group International
Country            : USA/Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia
Language          : English
Keyword           : Chemical Engineering
Start year          : 2011

OMICS Group invites all the participants across the globe to attend the "3rd World Congress on Petrochemistry and Chemical Engineering” (Petrochemistry-2015) slated on November 30-December 02, 2015 at Atlanta, USA.
Petrochemistry-2015 directs towards addressing main issues as well as future strategies of global energy industry.
OMICS International Organises 300+ Conferences every year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies, 400+ national symposiums and Publishes 500+ Open access journals which contains over 30000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.

Submit manuscript at or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial office at

Free Journal Site | International Journal of Engineering Business Management - The International Journal of Engineering Business Management is really a refereed research journal which aims to promote an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to engineering, business and management. The journal targets issues associated with design, development and implementation of latest methodologies and technologies which try and achieve strategic and operational improvements in organizations in today's dynamic global business environment. Areas covered include innovation, product development, customer satisfaction, hr management, economic and financial planning, legal and corporate governance, project management, supply chain logistics and transportation, operations and manufacturing strategy, virtual and global enterprise networks, e-commerce, six sigma and total quality management, enterprise risk management, knowledge management, information and decision support systems.

IJEBM encourages a systematic and holistic view so you can ensure an integrated and economically, socially and environmentally friendly approach to management of latest technologies in business. It aims to become a world-class research platform for academics, managers and professionals to share scholarly research inside the global arena.

Topics of curiosity include, but aren't limited to these following :

  • Competitive product design and innovation 
  • Operations and manufacturing strategy 
  • Knowledge management and knowledge innovation 
  • Information and decision support systems 
  • Radio Frequency Identification 
  • Wireless Sensor Networks 
  • Industrial engineering for business improvement 
  • Logistics engineering and transportation 
  • Modeling and simulation of industrial and business systems 
  • Quality management and Six Sigma 
  • Automation of industrial processes and systems 
  • Manufacturing performance and productivity measurement 
  • Supply Chain Management and also the virtual enterprise network 
  • Environmental, legal and social aspects

ISSN             : 1847-9790
Subject           : Computer Science - business
Publisher        : In-Tech
Country          : Austria
Language        : English
Keyword        : business, engineering
Start year        : 2009

International Journal of Engineering Business Management

International Journal of Engineering Business Management

Carbon - Science and Technology - This Research Journal deals with Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of CARBON based materials. 
Carbon Materials : Graphite, graphene, diamond, nano-diamond, fullerenes, carbon nanotubes and nanofibers, activated carbons, amorphous carbons, pyrolytic carbon, glassy carbon, carbon blacks and chars etc. 
Synthesis, Characterization and Properties : Important aspects relevant to synthesis and characterization. Electrical, Optical, Magnetic, Structural, Mechanical along with other properties. Doping in Carbon Materials. 
Applications : in Fuel Cells, Batteries, Capacitors, Sensors, Actuators, Solar Cells, Hydrogen Storage, Composites, Field Electron Emission, Filters (water and air etc), Field Effect Transistors, Spintronics, Memory Devices and so forth. 
Theory : Theoretical study of carbon materials, their property and applications. 
Papers will surely be selected on the idea of the value of the new knowledge they provide. They ought to maintain adequately finished form, and must not be deficient in information on the materials, processes, characterization used.

ISSN              : 09740546
Subject           : Materials - General and Civil Engineering - Chemistry
Publisher        : Applied Science Innovations Pvt. Ltd., India
Country          : India
Language        : English
Keyword         : carbon materials, fullerenes, nanotubes, diamond, graphite, nanomaterials
Start year        : 2008

Carbon - Science and Technology

Turkish Journal of Engineering & Environmental Sciences

Free-journal.comThe Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences is published 3 times a year from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and accepts English-language manuscripts altogether aspects of engineering except earth sciences and electrical and electronics engineering. Contribution is open to researchers of most nationalities. Four methods of papers are welcome : standard articles, technical notes, invited review papers, and letters towards the editor.

ISSN              : 1300-0160    
E-ISSN          : 1303-6157 
Subject           : Engineering - Environmental Science
Publisher        : The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Country          : Turkey
Language        : English
Keyword         : engineering, environmental science 
Start year        : 2010

Turkish Journal of Engineering  &  Environmental Sciences

Turkish Journal of Engineering  &  Environmental Sciences

E-Preservation Science - We provide :
- high-quality and rapid peer-reviewing,
- information widely available on the lowest possible costs :
- free admittance to WWW version,
- subscription for paper (hard) copies only – see cover no. 1/2011 upon the left,
- to work with the greatest things about WWW :
- publication of (colour) images, movie clips, sound and similar files,
- on-line submission,
- abstracting in various databses.
Creators of e-PS support free admittance to knowledge worldwide by producing the articles published in e-PS on the net, free of charge. A hard copy edition is available upon subscription. By subscribing in the hard copy edition, you can assist us to carry on providing open-access to the online edition.

ISSN              : 18543928
EISSN             : 15819280
Subject           : Materials - General and Civil Engineering - History - Chemistry
Publisher        : Morana RTD d.o.o
Country          : Slovenia
Language        : English
Keyword         : material science, conservation, cultural heritage
Start year        : 2004

E-Preservation Science

E-Preservation Science

Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics - General Information for Authors

JAFM authors should find all the data they would like with the provided links below :
 Online Submission
 Preparation of Manuscript
 JAFM Copyright

Site                :
ISSN              : 17353572
EISSN             : 17353645
Subject           : Materials - general and Civic Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
Publisher        : Regional Information Center for Science and Technology
Country          : Iran
Language        : English
Keyword         : theoretical, experimental, numerical, fluid mechanics
Start year        : 2008

Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics

Materials - Materials (ISSN 1996-1944) is usually an open access journal of related scientific research and technology development. It publishes reviews, regular research papers (articles) and short communications. Our aim often to encourage scientists to share their experimental and theoretical leads to just the maximum amount of detail as you can. Therefore, there isn't any restriction upon the length on the papers. The total experimental details should be provided so the results could be reproduced. 

Materials offers a forum for publishing papers which advance the in-depth comprehension of the connection involving the structure, the properties as well as functions off styles of materials. Chemical syntheses, chemical structures and mechanical, chemical, electronic, magnetic and optical properties and various applications will certainly be considered.

Site                :
ISSN              : 19961944
Subject           : Materials - Generals and Civil Engineering
Publisher        : Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI)
Country          : Switzerland
Language        : English
Keyword         : materials science, materaials engineering, nanoscience, nanotechnology
Start year        : 2008


Open Corrosion Journal - The Open Corrosion Journal is definitely an Open Access online journal, which publishes research articles, reviews, letters and guest edited single topic issues all regions of pure and applied corrosion science The scope on the journal covers inter-disciplinary research on both metallic and non-metallic corrosion. 

The Open Corrosion Journal, a peer reviewed journal, is definitely an important and reliable supply of current details on developments inside the field. The emphasis will get on publishing quality articles rapidly and freely available worldwide.

Site                :
ISSN              : 18765033
Subject           : Materials - General and Civil Engineering
Publisher        : Bentham open 
Country          : United States
Language        : English
Keyword         : metallic corrosion, non-metallic corrosion
Start year        : 2008

Open Corrosion Journal

Essays in Education - As of September, 2007, Essays in Education will Not be accepting articles for publication consideration. Thanks a lot for the interest and greatest with your future publishing pursuits. 

Essays in Education is usually an editor-reviewed electronic journal that seeks to understand more about the lot of issues that impact and influence education. 

In accord featuring its broad focus, the journal welcomes contributions that enhance the exchange of diverse theoretical and practical information among educators, practitners, and researchers worldwide. 

Beyond publishing original articles, the journal will consider reviews of educational software, books and pedagogical materials. However, reviews must describe the practitioner's actual experiences using such materials.

Site                :
ISSN              : 1527-9359
Subject           : Education
Publisher        : Columbia Collage
Country          : United States
Language        : English
Keyword         : education
Start year        : 2002

Essays in Education