Showing posts with label Nuclear Physics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nuclear Physics. Show all posts

Free Journal Site | PHYSICAL REVIEW ST ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS - Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams (PRST-AB) is really a peer-reviewed, purely electronic journal, distributed without charge to readers and funded by contributions from national and international laboratories and also other partners. The articles are published from the American Physical Society beneath the terms on the Creative Commons Attribution 3. 0 License. 

It covers the entire choice of accelerator science and technology ; subsystem and component technologies ; beam dynamics ; accelerator applications ; and design, operation, and improvement of accelerators employed in science and industry. For instance accelerators for high-energy and nuclear physics, synchrotron-radiation production, spallation neutron sources, medical therapy, and intense-beam applications. 

The European Physical Society Accelerators Group and also the American Physical Society Division of Physics of Beams form the Affiliated Professional Groups. They share the responsibility to the health and vitality of Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams by giving advice and encouraging scholarly publication in accelerator science and technology. PRST-AB has an Editorial Board whose members are appointed for three-year terms from the Editor in Chief upon recommendation on the Editor after consultation using the Affiliated Professional Groups. More particulars on the role on the board may be found under “Editorial Policies and Practices. ”

Site                :
ISSN              : 10984402
Subject           : Nuclear Physics
Publisher        : APS - American Physical Society
Country          : United States
Language        : English
Keyword         : physics, accelerator science, beam dynamic, nuclear physics
Start year        : 1998


Free Journal Site | Physics Egypt - PhysicsEgypt is definitely an independent web-based site aiming to promote the professional, academic and social communication between its members and physics associations, and organizations. 
PhysicsEgypt aims to offer its members with up-to-date details on education, training, scholarships, fellowships, career opprtunities, along with conferences, workshops, seminars and meetings. 
PhysicsEgypt aims to promote the positioning on the natural sciences in education, society and industry.

Site                :
ISSN              : 1687420X
Subject           : Nuclear Physics
Publisher        : Egyptian Nuclear Physics Association
Country          : Egypt
Language        : English
Keyword         : neutron physics, reactor physics, radiation measurement, dosimetry
Start year        : 2006


Free Journal Site | CERN Scientific Information Service - The Scientific Information Service (currently the GS-SIS group) has to its mandate the management from the Library and also the Historical and Scientific Archives of CERN. 
  1. You should acquire and manage information resources altogether fields of relevance towards the Organization, and create these accessible inside the most convenient approach to the worldwide particle physics community. 
  2. You should provide services for obtaining information which Isn't directly available on location. 
  3. You should advise CERN divisions on the very best ways of ensuring that each one relevant documents are made publicly available. 
  4. Additionally it is answerable for the distribution of CERN publications (CERN Reports along with other documents). 
  5. It's answerable for safeguarding documents and files of potential interest towards the Organization along with historical research. 
  6. You should provide information regarding and access towards the archived material. You should advise CERN divisions and collaborations in archival issues and records management.

Site                :
ISSN              : 14242729
Subject           : Library and Information Science - Nuclear Physics
Publisher        : CERN - European Laboratory for Particel Physics
Country          : Switzerland
Language        : English
Keyword         : library and information science, high energy physics, physics
Start year        : 2000