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Showing posts with label Russian. Show all posts

Free Journal Site | Condensed Matter Physics - Condensed Make a difference Physics contains original and review articles inside the field of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of equilibrium and nonequilibrium processes, relativistic mechanics of interacting particle systems. The most attention is paid to physics of solid, liquid and amorphous systems, phase equilibria and phase transitions, thermal, structural, electric, magnetic and optical properties of condensed make a difference. Condensed Make a difference Physics is published quarterly.

Site                :
ISSN              : 1607324X
Subject           : Physics
Publisher        : Institute for Condensed Matter Physics
Country          : Ukraine
Language        : English, Russian
Keyword         : physics of solid, liquid and amorphous systems, phase equilibria, phase transitions, thermal, structural, electric, magnetic and optical properties of condensor matter
Start year        : 1993

Condensed Matter Physics

Condensed Matter Physics

Journal of Community Informatics - The Journal of Community Informatics provides an chance of Community Informatics researchers and the like to share with you their work with the broader community. With the Journal's application of the rigorous peer review process, knowledge and awareness concerning the community use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is currently being brought to some wider professional audience. 

Additionally, the Journal makes available key documents, “points of view”, notes from the sector as well as other materials that'll be of wider interest in the community of these doing work in Community Informatics. 

Original funding to the Journal was provided via the Canadian Research Alliance for Community Innovation and Networking (CRACIN), a project funded via the Canadian Social Science and Humanities Research Council. 

Statistics concerning the readership of individual articles can be found here and daily/monthly journal access statistics can be found here. 

Site                :
ISSN             : 17124441
Subject           : Computer Science
Publisher        : Journal of Community Informatics
Country          : United States
Language        : English, French, Spanish, Russian
Keyword         : information technology, communication technology, health, cultural production, civil management, e-goverment
Start year        : 2004

Journal of Community Informatics