Free Journal Site | The Review of Public Administration and Management (RPAM)

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The Review of Public Administration and Management (RPAM) - The Review of Public Administration and Management (RPAM) deals using the study of government making decisions, the analysis from the policies, the different inputs which have produced them, and also the inputs essential to produce alternative policies. Public Administration is centrally worried about the activities which are governmental in nature, that‘s, the enactment and judicial interpretation of laws and the pursuant regulations, legislative activities, taxation, national defense, public order and safety, immigration services, foreign affairs, international assistance, and also the administration of government programs. The journal includes an array of fields in its discipline to produce a platform to the authors in order to make their contribution in the direction of the journal. 
The Journal aims to supply the very best possible standards of publication by scrutinizing the papers through peer-review assisted from the eminent experts from all elements of the globe. 
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The journal makes use of 'Editorial Manager System' for attaining top quality inside the peer-review process. 'Editorial Manager System' is definitely an online manuscript submission, review and tracking system. The peer-review process is mainly performed from the Editorial Board Participants in the journal or outside experts ; a minimum of two independent reviewers' approval is required, followed from the editor's approval for acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscript and track its progress with the editorial tracking system. Reviewers can download manuscript and submit their opinion towards the editor. Editors are supposed to oversee the complete submission / review / revise / publish process.

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E-ISSN             : 2315-7844
Subject             : Public Administration and Management
Publisher          : OMICS Group International
Country            : USA/Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia
Language          : English
Keyword           : Public Administration and Management
Start year          : 2012