Free Journal Site | Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality

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Free Journal Site | Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality - The Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality (JTRH ) promotes rigorous research that will make a big contribution in advancing knowledge for tourism theory, research methodologies and hospitality. JTRH includes all major themes pertaining to varied functional regions of tourism and hospitality. 

Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality is really a subscription based journal that supplies a choice of options to purchase our articles and likewise permits unlimited Internet Access to finish Journal content. It accepts research, review papers, online letters towards the editors & brief comments on previously published articles or any other relevant findings in SciTechnol. Articles submitted by authors are evaluated using a number of peer review experts inside the field and ensures the published articles are of top quality, reflect solid scholarship with their fields, and the information they contain is accurate and reliable. 

The journal is using Editorial Manager System for quality in review process. Editorial Manager is definitely an online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems. Review processing is performed from the editorial board participants in Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality or outside experts ; a minimum of two independent reviewers approval followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress with the system, hopefully to publication. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions towards the editor. Editors can manage the entire submission / review / revise / publish process.

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E-ISSN              : 2324-8807
Subject             : Tourism Research & Hospitality
Publisher          : OMICS Group International
Country            : USA/Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia
Language          : English
Keyword           : Tourism Research & Hospitality
Start year          : 2012