Showing posts with label Biology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biology. Show all posts

Free Journal Site | Journal of Homeopathy & Ayurvedic Medicine - Journal of Homeopathy & Ayurvedic Medicine deals with homeopathic remedies and Ayurvedic healthcare system which follow different philosophy in curing disease. Ayurveda believes in preventing disease while homeopathy is founded on curing a disease. Homeopathy and Ayurvedic are two streams of natural remedies which are the idea of alternative along with holistic medicine. 

The scientific journal includes an array of fields in its discipline to produce a platform to the authors in order to make their contribution in the direction of the journal and it also is among the Peer reviewed medical journals the editorial office promises a peer review process to the submitted manuscripts to the quality of publishing. 

Journal of Homeopathy & Ayurvedic Medicine is definitely an Open Access Publishing journal and aims to share most complete and reliable supply of details on the discoveries and current developments inside the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. altogether regions of the sector and making them freely available through online with no restrictions or other subscriptions to researchers worldwide. 

This Free Medical Journal is using Editorial Tracking System for quality in review process. Editorial Tracking is definitely an online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems. Review processing is performed from the editorial board participants in Journal of Homeopathy & Ayurvedic Medicine or outside experts ; a minimum of two independent reviewers approval followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress with the system, hopefully to publication. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions towards the editor. Editors can manage the entire submission / review / revise / publish process.

Submit manuscript at or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at

Site                :
ISSN              : 2167-1206
Subject           : Biology, Medicine
Publisher        : OMICS Group International
Country          : USA/Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia
Language        : English
Keyword         : Biology, Medicine
Start year        : 2012

Free Journal Site | Forest Research: Open Access

Free Journal Site | Forest Research: Open Access - Forest Research : Open Access deals with complex relationships among vegetation, animals, soil, minerals, weather, diseases and pledge for conservation to ensure living forests for generations to come. 
Forest Research open access is definitely an Open access Journal that is beneficial to the intelligence and information dissemination on topics broadly associated with Forestry, Forest ecology, Forest, Plantation etc. Journal supplies a unique forum dedicated to scientists expressing their research articles, review articles, case reports and short communications with an array of forest research. Among the many collection of journals associated with Food, Aqua & Vet Journals, Forest Research Open Access Journal is freely accessible to everyone immediately after publication. The Forest Research Peer Reviewed Journal is proficiently supported by universally prominent Editorial Board members. Forest Research Journal impact factor is mainly calculated driven by quantity of articles that undergo a double blind peer review process by competent Editorial Board so that they can ensure excellence, essence of the hard work and quantity of citations received for a similar published articles. Abstracts and full texts of articles published associated with Forest Research. 
The journal includes an array of fields in its discipline to produce a platform to the authors in order to make their contribution in the direction of the journal and also the editorial office promises a peer review process to the submitted manuscripts to the quality of publishing. Forest Research 
Forest Research is definitely an Open Access journal and aims to share most complete and reliable supply of details on the discoveries and current developments inside the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. altogether regions of the sector and making them freely available through online with no restrictions or other subscriptions to researchers worldwide. 
The journal is using Editorial Tracking System for quality in review process. Editorial Tracking is definitely an online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems. Review processing is performed from the editorial board participants in Forest Research : Open Access or outside experts ; a minimum of two independent reviewers approval followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress with the system, hopefully to publication. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions towards the editor. Editors can manage the entire submission / review / revise / publish process. 

Submit manuscript at or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at

ISSN              : 2168-9776
Subject           : Biology, Forest
Publisher        : OMICS Group International
Country          : USA/Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia
Language        : English
Keyword         : Forestry, Forest ecology, Forest, Plantation journal
Start year        : 2013

Free Journal Site | Journal of Food Processing & Technology

Free Journal Site | Journal of Food Processing & Technology - Food Processing and Technology includes some physical, chemical or microbiological methods and methods designed to transmute raw ingredients into food and it is transformation into other forms in food processing industry. The journal provides an open access platform to share the initial research articles and provides the rapid dissemination of significant research in various disciplines encompassing the processing and technology of food. 

The journal includes an array of fields in its discipline to produce a platform to the authors in order to make their contribution in the direction of the journal and also the editorial office promises a peer review process to the submitted manuscripts to the quality of publishing. 

Journal of Food Processing & Technology is definitely an Open Access journal and aims to share most complete and reliable supply of details on the discoveries and current developments inside the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. altogether regions of the sector and making them freely available through online with no restrictions or other subscriptions to researchers worldwide. flyer image 

The journal is using Editorial Manager® System for quality in review process. Editorial Manager® is definitely an online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems. Review processing is performed from the editorial board participants in Journal of Food Processing & Technology or outside experts ; a minimum of two independent reviewers approval followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress with the system, hopefully to publication. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions towards the editor. Editors can manage the entire submission / review / revise / publish process. 
Submit manuscript at or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at

OMICS International organises 300+ conferences every year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and publishes 400+ open access journals which contains over 30000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.

Site                :
ISSN              : 2157-7110
Subject           : Biology, Food Processing, Technology
Publisher        : OMICS Group International
Country          : USA/Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia
Language        : English
Keyword         :Biology, Food Processing, Technology
Start year        : 2010

Free Journal Site | Journal of Food & Nutritional Disorders

Free Journal Site | Journal of Food & Nutritional Disorders - The Journal of Food & Nutritional Disorders promotes rigorous research that will make a big contribution in advancing knowledge in field of food and nutrition. It aims to share top quality of articles in journal. It invites the reports of theoretically informed and empirically grounded research which targets important issues associated with food and nutrition. Journal of Food & Nutritional Disorders includes an array of fields in its discipline like Food Safety, Malabsorption & Nutritional, Food Allergies, Food Microbiology, Eating Concerns / Eating Disorders, Diet supplements and Disorders, Food, Health & Wellness, Child Nutrition & Health.  

Journal of Food & Nutritional Disorders is definitely an online, best peer-reviewed, scientific, hybrid, journal which offers dual mode of publication, open access & subscription. This mode provides the means to maximize the visibility, citations and readership which enhance the impact from the research work and supplies a choice of options to purchase our articles and likewise permits unlimited Internet Access to finish Journal content. It accepts research, review papers, online letters towards the editors & brief comments on previously published articles or any other relevant findings in SciTechnol. Articles submitted by authors are evaluated using a number of peer review experts inside the field and ensures the published articles are of top quality, reflect solid scholarship with their fields, and the information they contain is accurate and reliable.

Scope and Relevance:
The journal uses Editorial Manager System for any qualitative and prompt review process. Editorial Manager is definitely an online manuscript submission, review and tracking system. Review processing is performed from the editorial board participants in Journal of Food & Nutritional Disorders or relevant experts from other universities or institutes. Minimum two independent reviewer’s approval followed by editor approval is required to the acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress with the editorial system. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions towards the editor whereas the editors can manage the entire submission / review / revise / publish process via editorial manager.

Submit manuscript at or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at or

Site                :
ISSN              : 2324-9323
Subject           : Science, Technology and Medicine
Publisher        : OMICS Group International
Country          : USA/Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia
Language        : English
Keyword         : Food Safety, Malabsorption & Nutritional, Food Allergies, Food Microbiology, Eating Concerns / Eating Disorders, Diet supplements and Disorders, Food, Health & Wellness, Child Nutrition & Health.  
Start year        : 2013

Free Journal Site | Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal

Free Journal Site | Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal - Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal provides an international forum to the publication of papers in the listed areas : fisheries biology / ecology, fisheries oceanography, fishing technology, fisheries management and aquaculture. The socio-economic dimensions of fisheries will also be highly relevant. 

Aquaculture deals using the cultivation of both marine and freshwater species and can also vary from land-based to open-ocean production. It‘s the farming of aquatic organisms including fish, molluscs, crustaceans and sea weeds. Aquatic farming is considered like the fastest growing food production industry powered by governmental and technological impulsion. Aquaculture has been called subsequent agricultural revolution due to the innovative measures inside the production of shellfish and finfish products. Fisheries represent a primary industry and also the starting point of supply chains of local, regional and global relevance. 

Original research articles covering salt, brackish and freshwater systems, and also the corresponding organisms, populations and the dynamics, habitat and ecosystems and / or processes affecting options are welcomed. Review and viewpoint articles will also be published. Authors are encouraged to emphasise the general applicability and relevance of their personal work to that of other disciplines. The journal is supposed for fisheries and aquaculture scientists, biological oceanographers, gear technologists, economists, managers, administrators and policy makers. 

Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal is definitely an Open Access journal and aims to share most complete and reliable supply of information as research article, review article, conference proceeding, case report, etc. altogether areas from the concerned field and provides free and unrestricted admittance to published articles for readers worldwide. 

The journal makes use of 'Editorial Manager System' for attaining top quality inside the peer-review process. It is definitely an online manuscript submission, review and tracking system. The peer-review process is mainly performed from the Editorial Board Participants in the journal or outside experts ; a minimum of two independent reviewers' approval is required, followed from the editor's approval for acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscript and track its progress with the editorial manager system. 

 Fisheries and Aqua culture Journal is definitely an open access, peer reviewed journal using the central theme of fish biology. Among the many journal’s list driven by Fisheries sciences, Fisheries and Aqua culture Journal aims to create together many disciplines under single umbrella of high impact research focus on fisheries. The journal publishes the recent advances inside the regions of Aquaculture, Behavior, Biochemistry, Diseases, Distribution, Ecology, Genetics, Growth, Immunology, Migration, Molecular and cell science, Morphology, Parasitology, Physiology, Pollution impacts, Population studies, Reproduction, Taxonomy, and Toxicology which brings the international communication among the many scientific community

ISSN              : 2150-3508
Subject           : Biology,Fisheries
Publisher        : OMICS Group International
Country          : USA/Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia
Language        : English
Keyword     :fisheries biology / ecology, fisheries oceanography, fishing technology, fisheries management and aquaculture. The socio-economic dimensions of fisheries will also be highly relevant. 
Start year        : 2010

Free Journal Site | Journal of Fisheries & Livestock Production

Free Journal Site | Journal of Fisheries & Livestock Production - Journal of Fisheries & Livestock Production targets maintaining their role inside the balance of species and habitats inside the ecosystem. Journal Fisheries & Livestock Production dedicated towards the discovery and dissemination of information in conservation of biodiversity, natural resource management, and also the sustainable use of natural resources. 

The journal includes an array of fields in its discipline to produce a platform to the authors in order to make their contribution in the direction of the journal and also the editorial office promises a peer review process to the submitted manuscripts to the quality of publishing. 

Journal of Fisheries & Livestock Production is definitely an Open Access journal and aims to share most complete and reliable supply of details on the discoveries and current developments inside the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. altogether regions of the sector and making them freely available through online with no restrictions or other subscriptions to researchers worldwide. flyer image 

The journal is using Editorial Manager System for quality in review process. Editorial Manager System is definitely an online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems. Review processing is performed from the editorial board participants in Journal Fisheries & Livestock Production or outside experts ; a minimum of two independent reviewers approval followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress with the system, hopefully to publication. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions towards the editor. Editors can manage the entire submission / review / revise / publish process.

Submit manuscript at or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at

OMICS International organises 300+ conferences every year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and publishes 400+ open access journals which contains over 30000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.

OMICS Group Conferences feel proud to organize “International Conference on Aquaculture and Fisheries” (Aquaculture-2015) to be held during July 20-22, 2015 at Australia. We welcome and invite you to participate in this prestigious conference.

Aquaculture is the fastest growing primary industry in Australia; in fact it is the fastest growing food production sector in the world. With limited room for expansion in wild catch fisheries together with an ever-increasing world population, there is a heavy reliance on aquaculture as the means for fish production to meet world demand.

ISSN              : 2332-2608
Subject           : Biology, Fisheries, biodiversity, natural resource management, and also the sustainable use of natural resources. 
Publisher        : OMICS Group International
Country          : USA/Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia 
Language        : English
Keyword         : Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology 
Start year        : 2012

Free Journal Site | Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology: Current Research

 Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology: Current Research - Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology deals using the study of insects, birds and reptiles respectively. Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology : Current Research deals with scientific research on description of latest species, Geographical distribution Genome organization & sequencing and Genetic adaptations and diseases associated with insects, birds and reptiles. 

Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology : Current Research is definitely an open access journal ; this can be a major platform for many authors to talk about their novel work which were peer reviewed by eminent scholars associated with this field. Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology : Current Research journal endeavour to share and obtain a worthy impact factor by quick visibility through its open access guiding principle for world class research work. Among Earth & Environmental Sciences list Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology : Current Research having good reach to researchers and scientific community. 

OMICS Group is definitely an Open Access publication that enables the dissemination of research articles to the worldwide community. Thus, all articles published under this category could be accessible to all. All works published by OMICS Group are beneath the terms from the Creative Commons Attribution License. This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the hard work, provided when the source is appropriately cited. They‘re found free of cost in online. 

Earth & Environmental Sciences open access is really a peer reviewed journal promotes high impact research work. Among Earth & Environmental Sciences journal lists Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology : Current Research having good reach to researchers and scientific community. Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology : Current Research welcomes scientists to talk about their thoughts associated with entomology, Biofertilizers & Biopesticides, Biochemistry in Avian Systems, Avian Pathology and lots of more. 

This scholarly journal attracts a worldwide audience, larger than that of any subscription-based journal, barrier-free admittance to research on Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology

ISSN              : 2161-0983
Subject           : Biology, Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology
Publisher        : OMICS Group International
Country          : USA/Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia 
Language        : English
Keyword         : Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology 
Start year        : 2012

Free Journal Site | Journal of Biofertilizers & Biopesticides - The Journal of Biofertilizers & Biopesticides is definitely an academic journal providing a chance to researchers and scientist to understand more about the advanced and latest research developments inside the field of Biofertilizers & Biopesticides. The Journal of Biofertilizers & Biopesticides is of highest standards when it comes to quality and it also covers all regions of agricultural field for example Integrated Pest Management, Microbial Metagenomics, Applied Plant Genomics, Isolation of Potential Bioinoculants, Nitrogen fixing Microorganisms, Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria, Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza, Biodegradation, Biopesticides and Bio Insecticides. Journal of Biofertilizers & Biopesticides is really a scholarly Open Access journal and aims to share the foremost complete and reliable supply of details on the advanced and really latest research topics.

Biofertilizers and Biopesticides open access is really a peer reviewed journal enhance intelligence and information. Open Access Journals aided the worldwide research community by giving unrestricted access towards the important and important reports to every researcher altogether corners from the globe, for world class high impact research work. open access journals freely accessable to every body after publication. Biofertilizers and Biopesticides open access is aiming to quicken the publications inside the relevant important areas, like, Bioherbicide, Biofertilizers and Biopesticides covers all areas associated with Agriculture. Among, Biofertilizers and Biopesticides journals list Biofertilizers and Biopesticides open access having good reach to researchers and scientific community.

The Journal is by using the Editorial Tracking System for quality inside the peer-review process. OMICS Group is using Online Review and Editorial Tracking Systems for quality review process. Editorial Tracking System is definitely an online submission and review system, where authors can submit manuscripts and track their progress. flyer image

Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions. Editors can manage the entire submission, review, revise & publish process with the editorial tracking system. Publishers can see what manuscripts are inside the pipeline awaiting publication. A 21 days rapid review process with international peer-review standards with quality reviewers. E-mail is sent automatically to concerned persons when significant events occur. After publishing articles are freely available through online with no restrictions or other subscriptions to researchers worldwide.

Open Access Publishing ought to be seen like a means of accelerating scientific discovery by giving free and unrestricted access of scientific knowledge via the Internet. An essential role of Open Access is that the long-term preservation of peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles and research data. Open Access is not solely employed for journal articles but is likewise being implemented to theses, scholarly monographs, and book chapters. Promotion of Open Access is extremely crucial to encourage innovation, socio-economic development, and flow of information worldwide. Therefore, Open Access could be defined being an instrument ultimately employed for public welfare to stimulate the development of global science, along with maintain the quality of scientific achievements simultaneously.

Realizing the potential of Open Access when it comes to greater visibility within and beyond the scientific community, in recent years, there has long been tremendous boost to Open Access movement through various Open Access publishers. OMICS Group International is definitely such publishing group that believes during this movement and it is most ardently working in the direction of the welfare and progress of scientific community. It‘s built upon the principles of Open Access and it is determined to supply free and unrestricted access of research articles to scientists worldwide to the advancement of science and technology.

Submit manuscript at or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at

ISSN              : 2155-6202
Subject           : Biology, Science
Publisher        : OMICS Group International
Country          : USA/Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia 
Language        : English
Keyword     : Integrated Pest Management, Microbial Metagenomics, Applied Plant Genomics, Isolation of Potential Bioinoculants, Nitrogen fixing Microorganisms, Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria, Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza, Biodegradation, Biopesticides and Bio Insecticides
Start year        : 2010

Free Journal Site | Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development

Free Journal Site |
 Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development - Aquaculture is that the farming of aquatic organisms for example fish, prawns, molluscs, and aquatic plants related directly or indirectly to human consumption. The journal provides an Open Access platform devoted to cultivate freshwater and saltwater populations under controlled conditions, and can also be contrasted with commercial fishing. 

Open Access systems have long been portrayed like the most constructive and effective toold for dissipation of the knowledge to the betterment from the society. The convenience of access with which the knowledge is present available comes fruitful in accessing and encouraging more in depth study and broad access of information. 

Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development becoming an academic journal aims to cater and apportionment of the knowledge among the folks akin this expertise. Scholarly Open Access journal is persistent in publishing the foremost authentic and current trends inside the precinct of discoveries & inventions. The knowledge could be made available as research articles, review articles, case reports, short communications etc. Open Access enables the reach of the knowledge to its superlate level thereby encouraging and improving the element, impact and also the reach from the study on the global scale. 

This scientific journal is using Editorial Manager® System for quality in review process. Editorial Manager® is definitely an online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems. This journal includes an array of fields in its discipline to produce a platform to the authors in order to make their contribution in the direction of the journal and also the editorial office promises a peer review process to the submitted manuscripts using Editorial Tracking System for quality inside the peer review process. Review processing is performed from the eminent editorial board members of the expertise ; a minimum of two independent reviewers approval followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript. This process plays the central role inside the Open that aims to line up a benchmark and a style of acceptance to share scientific work. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress with the system, hopefully to publication. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions towards the editor. Editors can manage the entire submission / review / revise / publish process.

Submit manuscript at or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at

OMICS International organizes 300+ conferences every year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and publishes 400+ open access journals which contains over 30000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.

The Journal of Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development also conducts a conference on Aquaculture & Fisheries "International Conference on Aquaculture & Fisheries July 20-22, 2015 Brisbane, Australia"

ISSN              : 2155-9546
Subject           : Biology, Aquaculture 
Publisher        : OMICS Group International
Country          : USA/Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia 
Language        : English
Keyword         : fish, prawns, molluscs, and aquatic plants
Start year        : 2010

Free Journal Site | Agrotechnology

Free Journal Site | Agrotechnology - Agrotechnology open access is really a peer reviewed journal that provides the varied scope from the farm produce. Agrotechnology journal covers the broad regions of Crop production, Plant breeding, Tissue culture, Molecular markers, Plant ecology, Agronomy and likewise System Biology. Agrotechnology Journal explores top quality research among the many scientific community.

Agriculture comprising various kinds of ecosystems of late, has witnessed some type of uncertainty of account of shifting weather. This has emerged as a significant challenge, and need greater scientific interventions than ever before to inflict the desired resilience in your current methods of crop raising and will keep the uninterrupted journey of agricultural progress visiting feed teeming billions.

Agrotechnology- Open Access Journal is globally a maiden journal sought to share high impact articles. Journal is dedicated to introduce various kinds of technological developments striking the agriculture scenario inside an open access manner by having an eye on futuristic requirements. Our learned authors will be the torch bearers inside the pursuit of free access and open journals.

The journal is using Editorial Tracking System for quality in review process. Editorial Tracking is definitely an online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems. Review processing is performed from the editorial board participants in Agrotechnology or outside experts ; a minimum of two independent reviewers approval followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress with the system, hopefully to publication. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions towards the editor. Editors can manage the entire submission / review / revise / publish process.

Submit manuscript at or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at

ISSN              : 2168-9881
Subject           : Biology, Agrotechnology
Publisher        : OMICS Group International
Country          : USA/Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia 
Language        : English
Keyword      : Crop production, Plant breeding, Tissue culture, Molecular markers, Plant ecology, Agronomy and also System Biology
Start year        : 2012

Free Journal Site | Advances in Dairy Research

Free Journal Site | Advances in Dairy Research - Advances in Dairy Research is that the field that deals using the Biochemistry, Physiology, Cell biology and endocrinology of lactation, animal science, milk production and composition, Biotechnology and food technology, properties of milk proteins along with other components, milk products for example cheese, fermented milks and spreads, relevant studies in bacteriology, enzymology and immunology, the usage of milk products in other foods, and also the development of methods associated with Dairy Science.

The journal includes an array of fields in its discipline to produce a platform to the authors in order to make their contribution in the direction of the journal and also the editorial office promises a peer review process to the submitted manuscripts to the quality of publishing.

Advances in Dairy Research Open access is really a leading peer reviewed journal that promotes rigorous studies inside the field of dairy research and makes a big contribution in advancing knowledge for dairy science and technology. Advances in Dairy Research covers a large scope of cell biology and endocrinology of lactation ; animal husbandry, milk production, composition, preservation, processing and separation ; biotechnology and food science. The Journal high impact aspires to supply International scientific / scholarly communication, platform for dissemination of research through our journal publications.

Advances in Dairy Research is definitely an Open Access journal and aims to share most complete and reliable supply of details on the discoveries and current developments inside the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. altogether regions of the sector and making them freely available through online with no restrictions or other subscriptions to researchers worldwide. Advances in Dairy Research

The journal is using Editorial Manager for quality in review process. Editorial Manager is definitely an online manuscript submission, review and processes the articles and causes it to be easy for author, editor and reviewers to labor simultaneously with easier review strategies and protocols. Review processing is performed from the editorial board participants in Advances in Dairy Research or outside experts ; a minimum of two independent reviewers approval followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript. Authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress with the system, hopefully to publication. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions towards the editor. Editors can manage the entire submission / review / revise / publish process.

 Submit your manuscripts at http : asp or send being an e-mail attachment towards the Editorial Office at editor. adr@omicsonline. org

Advances in Dairy Research Journal invites all of the participants over the globe to go to the American Veterinary Congress during August 31-September 2, 2015 at Florida, USA.

ISSN              : 2329-888X
Subject           : Biology, Pshychology
Publisher        : OMICS Group International
Country          : USA/Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia 
Language        : English
Keyword      : Biochemistry, Physiology, Cell biology and endocrinology of lactation, animal science, milk production and composition, Biotechnology and food technology, properties of milk proteins and other components, dairy products such as cheese, fermented milks and spreads, relevant studies in bacteriology, enzymology and immunology, the use of milk products in other foods, and the development of methods related to Dairy Science.
Start year        : 2013

Free Journal Site | International Food Risk Analysis Journal - The most section on the International Food Risk Analysis Journal (IFRAJ) is really a collection of peer reviewed papers that aim at gathering reports on the newest developments in risk assessments related to current and emerging food chemical, microbiological and nutritional safety issues. IFRAJ also is aimed at making available both comprehensive risk assessment documents, in addition to initial risk mapping and risk profiles developed by experts of these areas. Issue identification documents, publications pertaining to risk management option development and the analysis, in addition to updates on the newest risk communication techniques relevant to food safety and nutrition will also be section of the scope on the Journal.

Site                :
ISSN             : 1848-2368
Subject           : Biology, foods
Publisher        : In-Tech
Country          : Austria
Language        : English
Keyword        : biology, foods
Start year        : 2011

International Food Risk Analysis Journal

International Food Risk Analysis Journal

Free Journal Site | Journal of Nanobiomedicine - Nanobiomedicine is definitely an international, peer-reviewed, open access scientific journal with the innovative approach, being open to both your readers and also the authors (no fee requested). The mission of Nanobiomedicine often to publish manuscripts with selectivity inside the aspects of nanotechnology because it interfaces with fundamental studies in biology, in addition to its application towards the fields of drugs. The journal publishes significant contributions inside the cross-disciplinary area intersecting nanotechnology with biomedicine, with particular interest inside the applicability of the discoveries and advances. Nanobiomedicine will cover all of the key aspects with this research field, including, although not limited to, bioengineering, biophysics, physical and biological chemistry, and physiology, in addition to nanotechnological applications in diagnostics, therapeutic application, preventive medicine, drug delivery, and monitoring of human disease. Additionally, theoretical and modeling studies covering the nanobiomedicine fields will certainly be considered. The scope from the journal is broad and offers a well-rounded collection of top quality manuscripts covering all of the key elements of the nanobiomedicine research field, with all the intended reach to bridge fundamental research with translational applications. The journal will contain short-format and full-length original research papers, and is going to host reviews on specific topics, under invitation. Submissions are welcome from both academic and industrial contributors.

ISSN             : 1849-5435
Subject           : Biology, physics, Medical Science
Publisher        : In-Tech
Country          : Austria
Language        : English
Keyword        : Biology, physics, Medical Science
Start year        : 2014

Journal of Nanobiomedicine

Journal of Nanobiomedicine

Free Journal Site | Journal of Circulating Biomarkers - Journal of Circulating Biomarkers is surely an open access, international scientific journal focusing for all areas of the rapidly growing field of circulating blood-based biomarkers and diagnostics using circulating protein and lipid markers, circulating tumor cells (CTC), circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) and extracellular vesicles, including exosomes, microvesicles, microparticles, ectosomes and apoptotic bodies. The journal will publish high-impact, peer-reviewed articles that do business with all fields relevant to circulating biomarkers and diagnostics, starting from basic science to translational and clinical applications. Papers a wide selection of disciplines are welcome ; interdisciplinary research is especially ideal for this journal. Included inside the scope are a rapid array of specialties including (although not limited to) cancer, immunology, neurology, metabolic diseases, cardiovascular medicine, regenerative medicine, nosology, physiology, pathology, technological applications in diagnostics, therapeutics, vaccine, drug delivery, regenerative medicine, drug development and clinical trials. The journal also will host reviews, perspectives and news on specific topics.

Site                :
ISSN             : 1849-4544
Subject           : Biology, Physics
Publisher        : In-Tech
Country          : Austria
Language        : English
Keyword        : biology, physics
Start year        : 2014

Journal of Circulating Biomarkers

Journal of Circulating Biomarkers

Free Journal Site | Journal of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology - The aim from the journal often to publish peer-reviewed papers in the forefront of nanoscale science and technology, bringing together the science and applications of nanoscale and nanostructured materials through an emphasis upon the synthesis, processing, characterization, and applications of materials containing nanometric dimensions or nanostructures that enable novel/enhanced properties or functions. The journal highlights continued growth and new challenges inside the nanotechnology field, both for application development and then for basic research. Papers publishable during this journal are needed to meet high scientific quality standards, to contain significant and original new results, and should give an overview of innovative advances within a specific area of nanoscale science and technology. Beyond regular papers, the journal also includes review papers describing the state from the art in a specific research field, particularly those exploring multidisciplinary views of nanostructures and people connected to significant innovative nanotechnologies. Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology also publishes new perspectives as Invited Feature Articles, providing an in-depth analysis of the topic and highlighting new and cutting-edge arguments with the author's interpretation.

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology publishes articles that concentrate on, but generally are not limited to, these following areas :

  • Synthesis of nanosized materials 
  • Bottom-up, top-down, and directed-assembly methods to the organization of nanostructures 
  • Modeling and simulation of synthesis processes 
  • Nanofabrication and processing of nanoscale materials and devices 
  • Novel growth and fabrication techniques for nanostructures 
  • Characterization of size-dependent properties 
  • Nano-characterization techniques 
  • Properties of nanoscale materials 
  • Structure analysis at atomic, molecular, and nanometric range 
  • Realization and application of novel nanostructures and nanodevices 
  • Devices and technologies driven by size-dependent electronic, optical, and magnetic properties of nanomaterials 
  • Nanostructured materials and nanocomposites for energy conversion applications 
  • Nanophotonics and nanoplasmonics materials and devices 
  • Nanosystems for biological, medical, chemical, catalytic, energy and environmental applications 
  • Nanodevices for electronic, photonic, magnetic, imaging, diagnostic and sensor applications 
  • Nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine

ISSN             : 1847-9804
Subject           : Computer Science - Biology - Physics
Publisher        : In-Tech
Country          : Austria
Language        : English
Keyword        : nanomaterials, nanotechnology
Start year        : 2011

Journal of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Journal of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

The The Journal of Genetics (J Genet) - The The Journal of Genetics (J Genet) is produced for prompt publication of original and significant articles on several facets of Genetics (Agriculture, Biological Anthropology, Botany, Zoology, Biochemical Genetics, Biometry, Clinical Genetics, Cytogenetics, Genetic Epidemiology, Genetic Testing, Evolution and Population Genetics, Immunogenetics, Molecular Genetics). The journal also covers ethical issues. It aims to function a forum of life scientists and health professionals, especially people who share a common involvement in understanding living beings.

Site            :
ISSN             : 0000 - 0000
Subject         :  Biology, Genetis
Publisher       : Kamla-Raj Enterprises
Country         : India
Language       : English
Keyword       : biology
Start year       : 2010

 The The Journal of Genetics (J Genet)

 The The Journal of Genetics (J Genet)

The Journal of Biology (J Biol) - The Journal of Biology (J Biol) is made for prompt publication of original and significant articles on several areas of Human Genetics (Biological Sciences, Anthropogenetics, Biochemical Genetics, Biometry, Clinical Genetics, Cytogenetics, Genetic Epidemiology, Genetic Testing, Evolution and Population Genetics, Immunogenetics, Molecular Genetics). The journal also covers ethical issues. It aims to function a forum of life scientists and health professionals, especially people who share a common fascination with understanding living beings.

Site            :
ISSN             : 0000 - 0000
Subject         :  Biology
Publisher       : Kamla-Raj Enterprises
Country         : India
Language       : English
Keyword       : biology
Start year       : 2011

The Journal of Biology (J Biol)
The Journal of Biology (J Biol)

The Journal of Life Sciences (J Life Sci) - The Journal of Life Sciences (J Life Sci) is created for prompt publication of original and significant articles on several facets of Life Sciences (Biology, Genetics, Biological Anthropology, Botany, Genetics, Mediacal Sciences, Vaterinary Sciences, Biochemical Genetics, Biometry, Clinical Genetics, Cytogenetics, Genetic Epidemiology, Genetic Testing, Evolution and Population Genetics, Immunogenetics, Molecular Genetics). The journal also covers ethical issues. It aims to function a forum of life scientists and health professionals.

Site              :
ISSN              : 0000-0000
Subject           : Biology, Genetics, Biological Anthropology, Botany, Genetics, Mediacal Sciences, Vaterinary Sciences,  Biochemical Genetics, Biometry, Clinical Genetics, Cytogenetics, Genetic Epidemiology, Genetic Testing, Evolution and Population Genetics, Immunogenetics, Molecular Genetics
Publisher        : Kamla-Raj Enterprises
Country          : India
Language        : English
Keyword         : Biology, Genetics, Biological Anthropology, Botany, Genetics, Mediacal Sciences, Vaterinary Sciences,  Biochemical Genetics, Biometry, Clinical Genetics, Cytogenetics, Genetic Epidemiology, Genetic Testing, Evolution and Population Genetics, Immunogenetics, Molecular Genetics
Start year        : 2009


Free-journal.comAntropo is definitely an electronic journal dedicated towards the diffusion of investigations realized upon the biological diversity of humankind and it also tries becoming a point of meeting between those investigators of Latin languages and also to publish, consequently, articles during these languages. The magazine will certainly be published two times for year, in June and in December. There aren't any fees for reading manuscripts. There aren't any fees for publication.

Site                :
ISSN              : 15782603
Subject           : Ecology - Anthropology
Publisher        : Univerdad del pais vasco (Balbao)
Country          : Spain
Language        : French, Spanish, Italian
Keyword         : human biology, genetical anthropology, paleonthopology
Start year        : 2011


The Journal of Human Biology (J Hum Biol)

Free-journal.comThe Journal of Human Biology (J Hum Biol) is made for prompt publication of original and significant articles on many areas of Human Biology (Biology, Genetics, Biological Anthropology, Botany, Medical Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, Biochemical Genetics, Biometry, Clinical Genetics, Cytogenetics, Genetic Epidemiology, Genetic Testing, Evolution and Population Genetics, Immunogenetics, Molecular Genetics). The journal also covers ethical issues. It aims to function a forum of human biologists and health professionals.

Site              :
ISSN              : 0000-0000
Subject           : Biology
Publisher        : Kamla-Raj Enterprises
Country          : India
Language        : English
Keyword         : human biology
Start year        : 2011

The Journal of Human Biology (J Hum Biol) cover

The Journal of Human Biology (J Hum Biol) Screen shoot